
Saturday, 3 August 2013

Big Changes (in progress)

Ahola everyone!
I thought I'd make this post because at the moment I'm currently coming up with a lot of new things for the blog. Allow me to explain.
My blogs name is just my username on here, so I thought I should come up with an original and better name for this blog, which then leads on to the next change. The banner. I like the banner, but it needs changing, especially if the name of the blog changes.

I'm stuck for ideas, my blog has so many different things on it, so I can't really have a name that sticks to one genre, well, I guess I could. I'd need something that mixes the different types of posts together. So something bookish, gamerish, well, you know what I mean. I have a few ideas I guess but they sound very similar to other bloggers blogs and are quite generic names. I'd want something unique and awesome.

I'll post in the future when I've come up with a final decision.

Bye guys!

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