This isn't about the actual internet, but mainly internet providers and 3G!!
My internet is down, and I can't actually remember why, but I know my dad told me why.
Anyway, I have 3G on my iPad and my phone. The only issue is that 3G is terrible!! Where I live, it seems to be awful, and I don't even live in the country side, I live in an area where there is a town and a beach nearby. I never seem to get good 3G signal, which means doing homework online can be a serious issue, and I'm lucky that no homework needed to be typed up and sent via email or required the internet to use.
You're probably wondering how I'm writing this and posting it. We'll, I'm using my IPad and using my incredibly slow and awful 3G on the iPad to post this. It's hard for me to live without the internet, I need it for my social networking (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, goodreads, snapchat) and all that sort of stuff. And it means I'm bored! I can only read for a certain amount of time before my eyes get tired, and the iPad is just easier to use, and I like looking at stuff online. I also did want to do a bit more shopping, for a new cable for my iPhone/iPad and some more books (like vampire academy and other books that are first in a series).
My internet should be back by Tuesday, and when it comes back, I will be overjoyed.
Also, I have the day off of school on Thursday due to a teachers strike, so my year (year 10) and the year below me (year 9) get a day off, so I guess you could expect some posts and reviews on that day!
I look foward to posting again soon. I guess this was just a post to let you guys know why I'm not posting too much. Apart from the obvious reasons which is school, homework and all that delightful stuff!